1 - 15 |
Laboratory simulation of binary and triple well EGS in large granite blocks using AE events for drilling guidance Frash LP, Gutierrez M, Hampton J, Hood J |
16 - 23 |
Numerical simulation of power production from abandoned oil wells in Ahwaz oil field in southern Iran Noorollahi Y, Pourarshad M, Jalilinasrabady S, Yousefi H |
24 - 30 |
Isotopic analysis, hydrogeochemistry and geothermometry of Tang-Bijar oilfield springs, Zagros region, Iran Rafighdoust Y, Eckstein Y, Harami RM, Gharaie MHM, Griffith EM, Mahboubi A |
31 - 38 |
A pilot magnetotelluric survey for geothermal exploration in Mae Chan region, northern Thailand Amatyakul P, Rung-Arunwan T, Siripunvaraporn W |
39 - 57 |
Geothermal prospects in the Baja California Peninsula Arango-Galvan C, Prol-Ledesma RM, Torres-Vera MA |
58 - 68 |
Integrated assessment of variable density-viscosity groundwater flow for a high temperature mono-well aquifer thermal energy storage (HT-ATES) system in a geothermal reservoir Zeghici RM, Essink GHPO, Hartog N, Sommer W |
69 - 77 |
Thermodynamic analysis and optimization of a flash-binary geothermal power generation system Wang JY, Wang JF, Dai YP, Zhao P |
78 - 87 |
Electromagnetic methods for exploration and monitoring of enhanced geothermal systems - A virtual experiment Borner JH, Bar M, Spitzer K |
88 - 98 |
Potentials of transboundary thermal water resources in the western part of the Pannonian basin Rman N, Gal N, Marcin D, Weilbold J, Schubert G, Lapanje A, Rajver D, Benkova K, Nador A |
99 - 107 |
Numerical investigation of the performance of a partially wetted geothermal thermosyphon at various power demand schemes Hartmann F, Behrend R, Hantsch A, Grab T, Gross U |
108 - 125 |
Geothermal well test analysis using the pressure derivative: Some common issues and solutions McLean K, Zarrouk SJ |
126 - 137 |
Structural modeling of the casings in high temperature geothermal wells Kaldal GS, Jonsson MT, Palsson H, Karlsdottir SN |
138 - 149 |
Tracking the thermal properties of the lower continental crust: Measured versus calculated thermal conductivity of high-grade metamorphic rocks (Southern Granulite Province, India) Ray L, Forster HJ, Forster A, Fuchs S, Naumann R, Appelt O |
150 - 158 |
A reformulation of USGS volumetric "heat in place" resource estimation method Garg SK, Combs J |
159 - 170 |
A modeling analysis of unitized production: Understanding sustainable management of single-phase geothermal resources with multiple lease owners Tureyen OI, Sarak H, Altun G, Satman A |
171 - 181 |
Mixed integer optimization model for utilizing a geothermal reservoir Sigurdardottir SR, Valfells A, Palsson H, Stefansson H |
182 - 194 |
Brine displacement by CO2, energy extraction rates, and lifespan of a CO2-limited CO2-Plume Geothermal (CPG) system with a horizontal production well Garapati N, Randolph JB, Saar MO |
195 - 206 |
Surface geochemical and geophysical studies for geothermal exploration at the southern volcanic rift zone of Tenerife, Canary Islands, Spain Rodriguez F, Perez NM, Padron E, Melian G, Pina-Varas P, Dionis S, Barrancos J, Padilla GD, Hernandez PA, Marrero R, Ledo JJ, Bellmunt F, Queralt P, Marcuello A, Hidalgo R |
207 - 208 |
Spectral analysis of aeromagnetic data for geothermal investigation of Wikki warm Spring, north-east Nigeria Nwankwo LI |
209 - 210 |
Russell James (1925-2014) Obituary Bixley P, Hunt T, Mongillo M |