289 - 289 |
9th International Conference on Boiling and Condensation Heat Transfer Kim J |
290 - 302 |
Confined Boiling Heat Transfer, Two-Phase Flow Patterns, and Jet Impingement in a Hele-Shaw Cell Kapitz M, der Wiesche SA |
303 - 312 |
R1234yf Flow Boiling Heat Transfer Inside a 2.4-mm Microfin Tube Diani A, Cavallini A, Rossetto L |
313 - 322 |
Experimental Study on Subcooled Flow Boiling in Horizontal Microtubes and Effect of Heated Length Sadaghiani AK, Kosar A |
323 - 331 |
Flow Boiling Heat Transfer Characteristics of R600a a in Multiport Minichannel Copetti JB, Bekerle BD, Macagnan MH, Passos JC, Oliveira JD |
332 - 346 |
Calculations of Flow Boiling Heat Transfer in a Minichannel Based on Liquid Crystal and Infrared Thermography Data Piasecka M, Strak K, Maciejewska B |
347 - 360 |
Critical Heat Flux in Flow Boiling-Review of the Current Understanding and Experimental Approaches Bruder M, Bloch G, Sattelmayer T |
361 - 376 |
Falling Liquid Film Evaporation in Subcooled and Saturated Water Over Horizontal Heated Tubes Narvaez-Romo B, Simoes-Moreira JR |
377 - 385 |
Dropwise Condensation Enhancement Using a Wettability Gradient Reis FMM, Lavieille P, Miscevic M |