1772 - 1783 |
Higher Order Nonlinear Complementary Filtering on Lie Groups Zlotnik DE, Forbes JR |
1784 - 1799 |
Power Grid AC-Based State Estimation: Vulnerability Analysis Against Cyber Attacks Jin M, Lavaei J, Johansson KH |
1800 - 1815 |
SVR-AMA: An Asynchronous Alternating Minimization Algorithm With Variance Reduction for Model Predictive Control Applications Ferranti L, Pu Y, Jones CN, Keviczky T |
1816 - 1831 |
Optimal Local and Remote Controllers With Unreliable Uplink Channels Asghari SM, Ouyang Y, Nayyar A |
1832 - 1847 |
Snake: A Stochastic Proximal Gradient Algorithm for Regularized Problems Over Large Graphs Salim A, Bianchi P, Hachem W |
1848 - 1857 |
Conal Distances Between Rational Spectral Densities Baggio G, Ferrante A, Sepulchre R |
1858 - 1873 |
Distributed Computation of Linear Matrix Equations: An Optimization Perspective Zeng XL, Liang S, Hong YG, Chen J |
1874 - 1889 |
Linear Stochastic Approximation Algorithms and Group Consensus Over Random Signed Networks Chen G, Duan XM, Mei WJ, Bullo F |
1890 - 1904 |
Interconnection and Memory in Linear Time-Invariant Systems Adam EM, Dahleh MA, Ozdaglar A |
1905 - 1915 |
Frequency-Domain Analysis for Nonlinear Systems With Time-Domain Model Parameter Uncertainty Jacobs WR, Dodd TJ, Anderson SR |
1916 - 1931 |
Sampling-Based Optimal Control Synthesis for Multirobot Systems Under Global Tempora Tasks Kantaros Y, Zavlanos MM |
1932 - 1946 |
Embedding Constrained Model Predictive Control in a Continuous-Time Dynamic Feedback Nicotra MM, Liao-McPherson D, Kolmanovsky IV |
1947 - 1957 |
On Path-Complete Lyapunov Functions: Geometry and Comparison Philippe M, Athanasopoulos N, Angeli D, Jungers RM |
1958 - 1973 |
Delay Margin of Low-Order Systems Achievable by PID Controllers Ma D, Chen J |
1974 - 1988 |
A Contract Design Approach for Phantom Demand Response Dobakhshari DG, Gupta V |
1989 - 1998 |
Stability Analysis of a More General Class of Systems With Delay-Dependent Coefficients Jin C, Gu KQ, Boussaada I, Niculescu SI |
1999 - 2012 |
Explicit Solution for Constrained Scalar-State Stochastic Linear-Quadratic Control With Multiplicative Noise Wu WP, Gao JJ, Li D, Shi Y |
2013 - 2028 |
Analysis of Stochastic Switched Systems With Application to Networked Control Under Jamming Attacks Cetinkaya A, Ishii H, Hayakawa T |
2029 - 2036 |
Observer-Based Stabilization of Nonhomogeneous Semi-Markov Jump Linear Systems With Mode-Switching Delays Ning ZP, Zhang LX, Zheng WX |
2037 - 2044 |
N-Person Nonzero-Sum Games for Continuous-Time Jump Processes With Varying Discount Factors Huang XX, Liu QL, Guo XP |
2045 - 2052 |
Observation-Based Optimization for POMDPs With Continuous State, Observation, and Action Spaces Jiang XF, Yang J, Tan XB, Xi HS |
2053 - 2060 |
Generalized Model Reference Adaptive Control by Means of Global HOSM Differentiators Oliveira TR, Rodrigues VHP, Fridman L |
2061 - 2068 |
A Nonsmooth Hybrid Invariance Principle Applied to Robust Event-Triggered Design Seuret A, Prieur C, Tarbouriech S, Teel AR, Zaccarian L |
2069 - 2076 |
Stabilization of Discrete-Time Linear Systems With an Unknown Time-Varying Delay by Switched Low-Gain Feedback Su SZ, Wei YS, Lin ZL |
2077 - 2083 |
On Sparse Optimal Control for General Linear Systems Ikeda T, Kashima K |
2084 - 2091 |
New Results on Stability Analysis of Markovian Switching Singular Systems Xiao XQ, Park JH, Zhou L, Lu GP |
2092 - 2099 |
Zonotopic Set-Membership State Estimation for Discrete-Time Descriptor LPV Systems Wang Y, Wang ZH, Puig V, Cembrano G |
2100 - 2107 |
Consensus of High-Order Nonlinear Continuous-Time Systems With Uncertainty and Limited Communication Data Rate Dong WJ |
2108 - 2114 |
Consensus of Nonidentical Euler-Lagrange Systems Under Switching Directed Graphs Abdessameud A |
2115 - 2121 |
Circle Formation Control of Mobile Agents With Limited Interaction Range Song C, Liu L, Xu SY |
2122 - 2127 |
Consensus Control of General Linear Multiagent Systems With Antagonistic Interactions and Communication Noises Hu JP, Wu YZ, Li T, Ghosh BK |
2128 - 2134 |
Optimal Control of Membrane-Filtration Systems Kalboussi N, Rapaport A, Bayen T, Ben Amar N, Ellouze F, Harmand J |
2135 - 2141 |
Semiglobal Asymptotic Stabilization of Lower Triangular Systems by Digital Output Feedback Lin W, Wei W |
2142 - 2149 |
Single-Delay and Multiple-Delay Proportional-Retarded (PR) Protocols for Fast Consensus in a Large-Scale Network Ramirez A, Sipahi R |
2150 - 2157 |
On Observers For Nonlinear Differential-Algebraic Systems Berger T |
2158 - 2165 |
Relative and Trajectory Controllability of Linear Discrete Systems With Constant Coefficients and a Single Delay Diblik J |
2166 - 2173 |
Distributed Connectivity Preserving Target Tracking With Random Sensing Kan Z, Doucette EA, Dixon WE |
2174 - 2181 |
On H(infinity )Sliding Mode Control Unde Stochastic Communication Protocol Song J, Wang ZD, Niu YG |
2182 - 2189 |
LgV-Type Adaptive Controllers for Uncertain Non-Affine Systems and Application to a DC-Microgrid with PV and Battery Lin W, Rattanamongkhonkun K, Pongvuthithum R |
2190 - 2197 |
Convergence of Optimal Linear Estimator With Multiplicative and Time-Correlated Additive Measurement Noises Liu W, Shi P |
2198 - 2205 |
A New Continuous Discrete Unscented Kalman Filter Knudsen T, Leth J |