759 - 762 |
Untitled Baillieul J |
763 - 764 |
Special issue on systems and control problems in medicine Ghosh BK, Martin CF |
765 - 778 |
Estimation of systemic vascular bed parameters for artificial heart control Yu YC, Boston JR, Simaan MA, Antaki JF |
779 - 789 |
The effects of vaccination in an age-dependent model for varicella and herpes zoster Allen LJS, Thrasher DB |
790 - 799 |
System identification of atrial activation during chronic atrial fibrillation in man Johansson R, Holm M, Olsson SB, Brandt J |
800 - 818 |
Structural identifiability of linear compartmental systems van den Hof JM |
819 - 832 |
Optimal control of ankle joint moment : Toward unsupported standing in paraplegia Hunt KJ, Munih M, Donaldson N, Barr FMD |
833 - 842 |
Two-mode control : An oculomotor-based approach to tracking systems Rivlin E, Rotstein H, Zeevi YY |
843 - 848 |
Computing solutions to medical problems via sinc convolution Stenger F, O'Reilly MJ |
849 - 856 |
Indirect adaptive nonlinear control of drug delivery systems Polycarpou MM, Conway JY |