
IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control

IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, Vol.44, No.7 Entire volume, number list
ISSN: 0018-9286 (Print) 

In this Issue (22 articles)

1326 - 1340 Multirate interacting multiple model filtering for target tracking using multirate models
Hong L
1341 - 1358 An approximate approach to H-2 optimal model reduction
Yan WY, Lam J
1359 - 1369 Stochastic optimal LQR control with integral quadratic constraints and indefinite control weights
Lim AEB, Zhou XY
1370 - 1383 Finite sample properties of linear model identification
Weyer E, Williamson RC, Mareels IMY
1384 - 1406 The fundamental role of general orthonormal bases in system identification
Ninness B, Hjalmarsson H, Gustafsson F
1407 - 1412 Force motion control of constrained manipulators without velocity measurements
Loria A, Panteley E
1412 - 1417 H-infinity filtering for continuous-time linear systems with delay
Pila AW, Shaked U, de Carlos CE
1417 - 1419 Comments on "linear quadratic regulators with eigenvalue placement in a vertical strip"
Koshkouei AJ, Zinober ASI
1419 - 1425 Approximated stable inversion for nonlinear systems with nonhyperbolic internal dynamics
Devasia S
1425 - 1429 Disturbance decoupling by measurement feedback for SISO nonlinear systems
Xia X, Moog CH
1430 - 1435 Nonlinear H-2 and H-infinity optimal controllers for current-fed induction motors
Georges D, de Wit CC, Ramirez J
1435 - 1441 LFT uncertain model validation with time- and frequency-domain measurements
Xu DM, Ren Z, Gu GX, Chen J
1441 - 1444 Minimizing the set of local supervisors in fully decentralized supervision
Takai S
1444 - 1445 Lessons from an example in "on the stability of discrete-time sliding mode control systems"
Westphal LC
1446 - 1449 First-order optimal reduced-delay sample-data holds
Leonard F
1449 - 1454 H-2-norm optimization with constrained dynamic output feedback controllers: Decentralized and reliable control
Geromel JC, Bernussou J, de Oliveira MC
1454 - 1459 Efficient algorithms of clustering adaptive nonlinear filters
Lainiotis DG, Papaparaskeva P
1460 - 1464 Transformation of Finite Degree Discrete Volterra Systems with cross products to finite input-output forms
Kotsios S
1464 - 1469 Decentralized model reference adaptive control without restriction on subsystem relative degrees
Wen CY, Soh YC
1469 - 1473 A diagonal recurrent neural network-based hybrid direct adaptive SPSA control system
Ji XD, Familoni BO
1473 - 1477 Robust tracking and model following of uncertain dynamic delay systems by memoryless linear controllers
Oucheriah S
1477 - 1481 Piecewise linear constrained control for continuous-time systems
Benzaouia A, Baddou A