793 - 801 |
A Decentralized Control Method for a Low-Voltage DC Microgrid Khorsandi A, Ashourloo M, Mokhtari H |
802 - 815 |
Tertiary Control of Voltage Unbalance Compensation for Optimal Power Quality in Islanded Microgrids Meng LX, Tang F, Savaghebi M, Vasquez JC, Guerrero JM |
819 - 822 |
Advanced Distributed Control of Energy Conversion Devices and Systems Davoudi A, Guerrero JM, Lewis F, Balog R, Johnson B, Weaver W, Wang LW, Edrington C, Blasco-Gimenez R, Dominguez-Garcia A, Chow MY |
823 - 832 |
Spatiotemporal Model Reduction of Inverter-Based Islanded Microgrids Luo L, Dhople SV |
833 - 840 |
Self-Tuning Virtual Synchronous Machine: A Control Strategy for Energy Storage Systems to Support Dynamic Frequency Control Torres MA, Lopes LAC, Moran LA, Espinoza JR |
841 - 850 |
Virtual Prototyping for Distributed Control of a Fault-Tolerant Modular Multilevel Inverter for Photovoltaics Nguyen LV, Tran HD, Johnson TT |
851 - 861 |
Novel Decentralized Control of Power Systems With Penetration of Renewable Energy Sources in Small-Scale Power Systems Kazemlou S, Mehraeen S |
862 - 872 |
Distributed Adaptive Voltage Control of Inverter-Based Microgrids Bidram A, Davoudi A, Lewis FL, Ge SS |
873 - 881 |
Internal Model-Based Current Control of the RL Filter-Based Voltage-Sourced Converter Yazdanian M, Mehrizi-Sani A |
882 - 892 |
Autonomous Active Power Control for Islanded AC Microgrids With Photovoltaic Generation and Energy Storage System Wu D, Tang F, Dragicevic T, Vasquez JC, Guerrero JM |
893 - 903 |
Robust Nonlinear Distributed Controller Design for Active and Reactive Power Sharing in Islanded Microgrids Mahmud MA, Hossain MJ, Pota HR, Oo AMT |
904 - 912 |
Generalized Geometric Control Manifolds of Power Converters in a DC Microgrid Banerjee B, Weaver WW |
913 - 921 |
Model Predictive Control of PV Sources in a Smart DC Distribution System: Maximum Power Point Tracking and Droop Control Shadmand MB, Balog RS, Abu-Rub H |
922 - 933 |
Hierarchical Control for Multiple DC-Microgrids Clusters Shafiee Q, Dragicevic T, Vasquez JC, Guerrero JM |
934 - 943 |
Decentralized Hierarchical Control of Active Power Distribution Nodes Kim M, Kwasinski A |
944 - 956 |
Distributed Adaptive Droop Control for DC Distribution Systems Nasirian V, Davoudi A, Lewis FL, Guerrero JM |
957 - 967 |
Decentralized Optimal Dispatch of Photovoltaic Inverters in Residential Distribution Systems Dall'Anese E, Dhople SV, Johnson BB, Giannakis GB |
968 - 977 |
Optimal Distributed Control of Reactive Power Via the Alternating Direction Method of Multipliers Sulc P, Backhaus S, Chertkov M |
978 - 987 |
A Stackelberg Game-Based Optimization Framework of the Smart Grid With Distributed PV Power Generations and Data Centers Wang YZ, Lin X, Pedram M |
988 - 996 |
Distributed Control and Generation Estimation Method for Integrating High-Density Photovoltaic Systems Xin HH, Liu Y, Qu ZH, Gan DQ |
997 - 1007 |
A Short-Term Energy Storage System for Voltage Quality Improvement in Distributed Wind Power Ammar M, Joos G |
1008 - 1017 |
IEC 61850/61499 Control of Distributed Energy Resources: Concept, Guidelines, and Implementation Andren F, Brundlinger R, Strasser T |
1018 - 1025 |
Experimental Validation of Energy Resources Integration in Microgrids via Distributed Predictive Control Mantovani G, Costanzo GT, Marinelli M, Ferrarini L |