
IEEE Transactions on Energy Conversion

IEEE Transactions on Energy Conversion, Vol.30, No.4 Entire volume, number list
ISSN: 0885-8969 (Print) 

In this Issue (46 articles)

1267 - 1278 Fuzzy-Logic Sliding-Mode Control Strategy for Extracting Maximum Wind Power
Yin XX, Lin YG, Li W, Liu HW, Gu YJ
1279 - 1287 Online Thermal Monitoring Models for Induction Machines
Zhang HL
1288 - 1298 Assessment of Energy Savings With Variable Speed Drives in Ship's Cooling Pumps
Lee CH, Liu ZW, Chen CN, Cho MY, Lin FT, Jiang JA
1299 - 1309 An Analytical Design Model for Wound Rotor Synchronous Machines
Laldin O, Sudhoff SD, Pekarek S
1310 - 1320 Linearized State-Space Model of a Self-Excited Induction Generator Suitable for the Design of Voltage Controllers
Kiselychnyk O, Bodson M, Wang JH
1321 - 1328 Hysteresis-Dependent Model for the Brushless Exciter of Synchronous Generators
Ibrahim M, Pillay P
1329 - 1337 A Fuzzy Clustering Algorithm-Based Dynamic Equivalent Modeling Method for Wind Farm With DFIG
Zou JX, Peng C, Xu HB, Yan Y
1338 - 1347 Power-Capacity-Based Bus-Voltage Region Partition and Online Droop Coefficient Tuning for Real-Time Operation of DC Microgrids
Xiao JF, Setyawan L, Wang P, Jin C
1348 - 1355 A Spectrum Synch Technique for Induction Motor Health Condition Monitoring
Li DZ, Wang W, Ismail F
1356 - 1366 Stationary Frame Induction Motor Feed Forward Current Controller With Back EMF Compensation
Stojic DM, Milinkovic M, Veinovic S, Klasnic I
1367 - 1375 Analytical Evaluation of Surface-Mounted PMSG Performances Connected to a Diode Rectifier
Iacchetti MF, Foglia GM, Di Gerlando A, Forsyth AJ
1376 - 1385 Statistical Health Reasoning of Water-Cooled Power Generator Stator Bars Against Moisture Absorption
Youn BD, Park KM, Hu C, Yoon JT, Kim HS, Jang BC, Bae YC
1386 - 1396 Flexible System Architecture of Stand-Alone PV Power Generation With Energy Storage Device
Thang TV, Ahmed A, Kim CI, Park JH
1397 - 1408 Supply Induced Interharmonic Effects in Wound Rotor and Doubly-Fed Induction Generators
Djurovic S, Vilchis-Rodriguez DS, Smith AC
1409 - 1419 Low-Cost Diagnosis of Rotor Asymmetries in Induction Machines Working at a Very Low Slip Using the Reduced Envelope of the Stator Current
Sapena-Bano A, Pineda-Sanchez M, Puche-Panadero R, Martinez-Roman J, Kanovic Z
1420 - 1427 Investigation of Nonoverlapping Stator Wound-Field Synchronous Machines
Zhu ZQ, Zhou YJ, Chen JT, Green JE
1428 - 1437 A Novel Neural Network Vector Control Technique for Induction Motor Drive
Fu XG, Li SH
1438 - 1448 On Estimating Instantaneous Temperature of a Supercapacitor String Using an Observer Based on Experimentally Validated Lumped Thermal Model
Lystianingrum V, Hredzak B, Agelidis VG, Djanali VS
1449 - 1459 Advanced Vector Control Design for DFIM-Based Hydropower Storage for Fault Ride-Through Enhancement
Bidgoli MA, Mohammadpour HA, Bathaee SMT
1460 - 1471 Influence of Slot and Pole Number Combinations on Voltage Distortion in Surface-Mounted Permanent Magnet Machines With Local Magnetic Saturation
Wu D, Zhu ZQ
1472 - 1482 Partitioned Stator Flux Reversal Machine With Consequent-Pole PM Stator
Wu ZZ, Zhu ZQ
1483 - 1495 Quantitative Comparison of Integral and Fractional Slot Permanent Magnet Vernier Motors
Xu L, Liu GH, Zhao WX, Ji JH, Zhou HW, Zhao WX, Jiang TT
1496 - 1504 Backstepping Control of Smart Grid-Connected Distributed Photovoltaic Power Supplies for Telecom Equipment
Martin AD, Cano JM, Silva JFA, Vazquez JR
1505 - 1514 A Time-Frequency-Based Approach for Monitoring Three-Phase Synchronous Generators Speed
Salah M, Bacha K, Chaari A, Benbouzid ME
1515 - 1527 A New Method for Determining the Leakage Inductances of a Nine-Phase Synchronous Machine From No-Load and Short-Circuit Tests
Tessarolo A, Mohamadian S, Bortolozzi M
1528 - 1536 Analytical Determination of Slot Leakage Field and Inductances of Electric Machines With Double-Layer Windings and Semiclosed Slots
Tessarolo A
1537 - 1545 Oil-Whirl Fault Modeling, Simulation, and Detection in Sleeve Bearings of Squirrel Cage Induction Motors
Ojaghi M, Yazdandoost N
1546 - 1555 Design Optimization, Prototyping, and Performance Evaluation of a Low-Speed Linear Induction Motor With Toroidal Winding
Pourmoosa AA, Mirsalim M
1556 - 1564 Dual Motor Drive for HVAC Applications Based on a Multifunctional Bidirectional Energy Conversion System
Kim T, Lee KW, Kwak S
1565 - 1573 Design and Analysis of a Cost-Effective Magnetless Multiphase Flux-Reversal DC-Field Machine for Wind Power Generation
Lee CHT, Chau KT, Liu CH
1574 - 1584 Techniques for Multilevel Design Optimization of Permanent Magnet Motors
Lei G, Liu CC, Zhu JG, Guo YG
1585 - 1594 Consideration of Design and Operation on Rotational Flux Density Distributions in Hydrogenerator Stators
Akiror JC, Merkhouf A, Hudon C, Pillay P
1595 - 1603 Design Optimization of a Ladder Secondary Single-Sided Linear Induction Motor for Improved Performance
Ravanji MH, Nasiri-Gheidari Z
1604 - 1604 Discussion on "Effect of Multilevel Inverter Supply on Core Losses in Magnetic Materials and Electrical Machines"
Ruderman A
1605 - 1605 Closure to Discussion on "Effect of Multilevel Inverter Supply on Core Losses in Magnetic Materials and Electrical Machines"
Rasilo P, Salem A, Abdallh A, De Belie F, Dupre L, Melkebeek JA
1609 - 1610 Electric Machines in Renewable Energy Applications
Aliprantis D, El-Sharkawi M, Muljadi E
1611 - 1620 Optimization of Magnetic Circuit for Brushless Doubly Fed Machines
Abdi S, Abdi E, Oraee A, McMahon R
1621 - 1629 Optimizing Air-Core Permanent-Magnet-Based Energy Harvest in Free-Rotating Devices
Brovont AD, Pekarek SD
1630 - 1638 Design Requirements of Generators Applied to Low-Head Hydro Power Plants
Garcia AJ, Uemori MKI, Echeverria JJR, Bortoni ED
1639 - 1649 Dynamic Equivalent Model of Wind Power Plant Using an Aggregation Technique
Kim DE, El-Sharkawi MA
1650 - 1659 Enhanced Dynamic Voltage Control of Type 4 Wind Turbines During Unbalanced Grid Faults
Neumann T, Wijnhoven T, Deconinck G, Erlich I
1660 - 1669 Effects of Rotor Winding Structure on the BDFM Equivalent Circuit Parameters
Oraee A, Abdi E, Abdi S, McMahon R, Tavner PJ
1670 - 1678 Magnetic Equivalent Circuit Modeling of the AC Homopolar Machine for Flywheel Energy Storage
Severson E, Nilssen R, Undeland T, Mohan N
1679 - 1690 Transient Reconfiguration and Coordinated Control for Power Converters to Enhance the LVRT of a DFIG Wind Turbine With an Energy Storage Device
Shen YW, Ke DP, Qiao W, Sun YZ, Kirschen DS, Wei C
1691 - 1702 On Inertial Dynamics of Virtual-Synchronous-Controlled DFIG-Based Wind Turbines
Wang S, Hu JB, Yuan XM, Sun L
1703 - 1711 Development of a Magnetless Flux Switching Machine for Rooftop Wind Power Generation
Yu C, Niu SX