IEEE Transactions on Energy Conversion, Vol.18, No.3, 417-423, 2003
A novel detection method of motor broken rotor bars based on wavelet ridge
Detection of cage motor broken rotor bars has long been an important but difficult job in the detection area of motor faults. The characteristic frequency component of faulted rotor (CFCFR) is very close to the power frequency component but by far less in amplitude, which brings about great difficulty for accurate detection. A new detection method based on wavelet ridge is presented in this paper. Aiming at the motor's starting period during which the motor accelerates progressively and CFCFR approaches the power frequency gradually in frequency spectrum, the wavelet ridge-based method is adopted to analyze this transient procedure and the CFCFR is extracted. The influence of power frequency can be effectively eliminated, and detection accuracy can be greatly improved by using the approach presented in this paper. Also, this is indeed a novel but excellent approach for the detection domain of cage induction motor broken rotor bars.