International Journal of Coal Geology, Vol.62, No.4, 211-222, 2005
Sorption of carbon dioxide-methane mixtures
The paper reports the results of experiments concerning the sorption/desorption processes, observed under laboratory conditions, in two types of coal extracted from operational coal-mines in Poland, using CH4 and CO2 to observe their relative inter-reaction with the coal samples when introduced in varying proportions and conditions. Numerous studies concerning the sorption/desorption phenomena have described the operational mechanisms and the relationship of mine gases to the organically-created coal-body in mines. The differences in the behaviour of certain gases is twofold: firstly the essentially different characteristics Of CO2 and CH4, and secondly the structure of the coal-bed itself: its degree of metamorphism and content of macerals. From the results yielded, it was observed that the divergence of the isotherms of sorption of CH4 and other gases in comparison with the iscithenus of sorption Of CO2 and a CO2/CH4 mixture differed and that the curve on the sorption isotherm was more clearly distinct after the introduction Of CO2 molecules to the system: coal with a higher degree of metamorphism-CH4, which is closely related to the rigidity of the structure according to the level of metamorphism. Since coals with higher carbon content exhibit lower molecular bonding than low-carbonised coals, the characteristic feature of the bonds in the first case is their mobility. Knowledge of the physical and chemical properties of hard coals, as well as their interaction with mining gases, is of great use in solving problems concerned with the extraction of methane from mines or its storage in goafs. (c) 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Keywords:hard coal;petrographic structure;sorption;sorption of a mixture of two component gases : CO2+CH4