International Journal of Coal Geology, Vol.74, No.2, 114-122, 2008
Neo-mineral formation during artificial coalification of low-ash -mineral free-peat material from tropical Malaysia-potential explanation for low ash coals
Abundant coal deposits have very low inorganic contents (ash yield; < 2%) and hence are almost ash-free. Inexplicable to date is that the precursor of coal, modem peat deposits, almost nowhere have such low ash yields as a result of both the inorganic mineral and biogenic phytolith contents. However, despite the common occurrence of phytoliths in modem peats, they are invariably absent in coals. It has thus been hypothesized by some investigators that modem environments are not ideal analogues for the formation of low ash coal deposits. Here we present new evidence to suggest that mineral diagenesis during coalification can transform biogenic inorganics to new minerals and that a substantial component of these new minerals could be removed in solution during expulsion of moisture with coalification resulting in low ash precursors of coal. This study presents results from artificial coalification experiments of modem tropical forest peat material with ash yields between 2-4.3 wt.%. The inorganic material of the peat consists almost exclusively of Al-Si-and Si-rich phytoliths and other bioliths; no other inorganic mineral matter is present. Compressed pellets of dried peat were deformed in a Griggs constant strain rate apparatus at a constant confining pressure of 5 kb and constant strain rate of 10(-5) s(-1) at variable temperatures from 350 degrees C to 550 degrees C. The samples, exposed to artificial coalification processes, were then analysed by SEM, EDS, and XR-D for semi-quantitative chemical analyses. The deformed material showed a lack of any biogenic silica and Al-Si-phytoliths, but contained neoformed idiomorphic quartz crystals and clays. We conclude that modem peat forming environments that have low-ash peats containing biogenic silica and other biogenic Al-Si-material can represent precursors of very low-asb coal deposits. Our experiments illustrate that during coalification, it is likely all or almost all biogeme material is transformed into new minerals, mainly quartz and clay minerals, such as kaolinite. Because natural systems are not confined to the same degree as our experiments, it is likely that part or all of the inorganic fraction migrates in solutions out of the peat or coal seam with available fluids, resulting in an almost ash-free coal deposit. (c) 2007 Elsevier B.V All rights reserved.