International Journal of Mineral Processing, Vol.74, S3-S17, 2004
Material properties in fine grinding
The impact of material properties in grinding processes is twofold: the objective of the comminution process is the production of well-defined product properties, particles' transport to the stressing zone and particles' reaction to applied stresses depend on their inherent mechanical material properties. In order to understand the influence of material properties at various length scales, we draw a multiscale picture of comminution. At the most detailed level MD simulations may open insights into the otherwise not accessible zone directly at the crack tip. In continuum approaches, the energy flux from the elastically stressed specimen and the stress distribution around the crack can be modelled. Breakage probability obtained from particle stressing experiments or inversion of milling models can be described by a single master curve comprising two new material parameters. These results are used in mill models by clearly separating machine and material functions. In wet grinding, additional material parameter reflecting the particle-particle interactions are introduced, which control suspension rheology and particle stability. The paper concludes with some remarks on product engineering, i.e. concepts on how to optimise product quality. (C) 2004 Elsevier B.V All rights reserved.