Journal of Adhesion Science and Technology, Vol.20, No.2-3, 107-123, 2006
Effects of patch layer and loading frequency on fatigue fracture behavior of aluminum plate repaired with a boron/epoxy composite patch
In this study, 6.125 mm cracked Al 7075-T6 plates with different patch layers of boron/epoxy composite have been fatigue tested. By using analytical and experimental methods, the variation of critical parameters in fracture mechanics, such as stress intensity factor (SIF), potential energy (PE) and energy release rate (J*), with patch layers were Studied. According to the results of energy and driving force approaches, it was shown that both theories had good consistency using more ply numbers to repair cracked substrates. It was suggested that to investigate the effect of the patch layer on the air stream around the aircraft structure, in addition to fracture mechanics analysis, using a fluid dynamics simulation would be very helpful.