KAGAKU KOGAKU RONBUNSHU, Vol.28, No.2, 221-223, 2002
Simultaneous drying and dehydration of porous material wetted with aqueous polymer solution
Double-sided convective drying was performed by using a glass particle layer wetted with aqueous polyvinylalcohol (PVA) solution or water. Two systems were prepared, one having the wet layer laid directly on a porous layer, and the other having a polymer sheet inserted the layers to block moisture transfer. The drying rate and PVA content profile of dried system were measured for each system. When the glass particle layer was wetted with PVA solution, the drying rate in the system allowing free transfer between the layers was larger than that in the system in which transfer was blocked. When the glass particle layer was wetted with water, the reverse result was obtained. The increase in drying rate in the former case may be due to a decrease of PVA content near the surface because of infiltration of PVA solution inte the porous layer during drying.