KAGAKU KOGAKU RONBUNSHU, Vol.34, No.4, 452-457, 2008
Comparative Results of Air Flow Characters Mapped by CFD Simulation and Actual Measurements of Three Dimensional Air Flow Vectors and Particle Concentrations
Distribution maps of local age of air and air flow velocity produced by CFD Simulation were compared with actual measurements of particle concentrations at eighteen monitoring points as well as three-dimensional air flow Nectors 1-m grids in an aseptic pharmaceutical manufacturing room. As a result the air flow patterns assessed by both approaches of simulation with the standard kappa-epsilon model and actual air vector measurements were comparable under conditions of high air change times aseptic room. In this case study particle concentration and local aye of air showed no clear relationship due to very low counts of particles. However, CFD simulation displayed its advantages in giving comprehensive air flow pattern and recovery efficiency at local points in,in aseptic room.