Particle & Particle Systems Characterization, Vol.24, No.6, 402-410, 2007
Interpretation of light scattering spectra of dispersions - A hybrid approach to account for interparticle interactions
The problem of extracting quantitative information on individual particle properties from spectroscopic measurements conducted at concentrations where particle interactions become significant is of great industrial and theoretical importance. For dispersions of charged particles, this can happen at fairly low concentrations. The effect of the fluid (slurry) structure has to be taken into account to interpret the light scattering spectra of such dispersions. In this paper, a hybrid method that addresses the effect of the fluid structure is proposed. The hybrid approach describes the fluid structure by relating the "effective" Percus-Yevick hard-sphere parameters to the system parameters using empirical models. The feasibility of this approach is examined through a theoretical study with data generated by Monte Carlo simulations of a monodisperse dispersion of charged spherical particles using realistic interaction potentials under single scattering conditions.