Particle & Particle Systems Characterization, Vol.29, No.1, 8-15, 2012
Experimental Study on Powder Flowability Using Vibration Shear Tube Method
The flowability of powders with different mass median diameters ranging from micrometers to nanometers was measured using the vibration shear tube method. In the measurement system used in this study, the powder was discharged through a narrow gap between a vibrating tube edge and a flat bottom surface, where each particle could experience high shear forces to overcome the adhesion and friction forces. The vibration amplitude was increased during the measurement, and the mass of particles discharged was measured at constant time intervals. From the relationship between the mass flow rate and the vibration acceleration, static and dynamic properties of the powders were evaluated using the critical vibration acceleration, characteristic mass flow rate, and gradient of mass flow rate. The correlation between the static and dynamic properties was studied in detail.