Przemysl Chemiczny, Vol.85, No.8-9, 1092-1094, 2006
Thermal oxidation of propylene chlorohydrin
Propylene chlorohydrin (PCH) was oxidized in excess air and steam over monolithic PI-Rh and Pd-Vat 300-600 degrees C, and compared with no-catalyst oxidn. run at 400-1050 degrees C, contact times 0.36 and 0.42 s, resp. At 400 (Pt-Rh), 550 (Pd-V) and 950 degrees C (no catalyst), PCH conversions were 99% With Pt-Rh at 375 and with no catalyst at 500 degrees C, the toxic equivalency factors were 0.044 and 0.036 ng/m(3), resp. The catalysts showed the organochlorines to be oxidizable at temps. much lower than the 1100-1500 degrees C used in corn. no-catalyst practice.