SIAM Journal on Control and Optimization, Vol.50, No.3, 1110-1138, 2012
This paper considers stability and harmonic analysis of a general class of pulse-modulated systems. The systems are modeled using the dynamic phasor model, which explores the cyclic nature of the modulation functions by representing the system state as a Fourier series expansion defined over a moving time window. The contribution of the paper is to show that a special type of periodic Lyapunov function can be used to analyze the system and that the analysis conditions become tractable for computation after truncation. The approach provides a trade-off between complexity and accuracy that includes standard state space averaged models as a special case. The paper also shows how the dynamic phasor model can be used to derive a frequency domain input-to-state map which is analogous to the harmonic transfer function.
Keywords:pulse-modulated system;dynamic phasor model;stability analysis;harmonic Lyapunov function;harmonic transfer function