Thin Solid Films, Vol.520, No.8, 3304-3308, 2012
Gold nanocluster distribution on faceted and kinked Si nanowires
Si nanowires were grown on (111) substrates by ultra high vacuum chemical vapor deposition using the Au-catalyzed vapor-liquid-solid (VLS) technique. Depending on the growth temperature, the nanowires can be straight in the < 111 > direction or kinked towards < 112 >. We present a transmission electron microscopy investigation of the < 112 > Si nanowires. Results exhibit the relationship between the morphology of nanowires and the distribution of gold on sidewalls bounding the nanowires. The distribution of Au nanoclusters is used as a probe to investigate the growth mechanisms of the VLS process. Our observations are consistent with the model of nucleation and step flow related to the oscillatory behavior of the catalyst droplet. (C) 2011 Elsevier B. V. All rights reserved.
Keywords:Nanowires;Silicon;Ultra-high vacuum chemical vapor deposition;High angle annular dark field scanning transmission electron microscopy;Catalyst