Journal of Industrial and Engineering Chemistry, Vol.18, No.6, 1884-1887, November, 2012
Synthesis of titanium nanorods with LPG as fuel and oxygen as oxidant in diffusion flame reactor
Nanophase titanium dioxide (TiO2) and titanium nanorods (TNRs) are synthesized by flame synthesis using LPG as fuel and oxygen (O2) as oxidant. Titanium tetraisopropoxide is used as precursor. TNRs and titanium nanoparticle (TNP) is characterized by SEM and XRD. In this paper, process parameters are investigated to synthesize the TNRs and TNPs. TNRs are formed at 1.2 slpm of O2; its average diameter is 200-600 nm. Average diameter of TNPs formed at 0.8 slpm of O2 is 90-120 nm. The results conclude at a constant flowrate of 0.4 slpm of LPG, and increasing of O2 flowrate from 0.8 to 1.2 slpm leads to formation of TNRs.
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