Advanced Powder Technology, Vol.23, No.5, 562-565, 2012
Shape-controlled hollow silica nanoparticles synthesized by an inorganic particle template method
Shape-controlled hollow silica nanoparticles have been successfully synthesized by an inorganic particle template method, which involves sol-gel silica coating over surfaces of the template and followed by acid-dissolution removal of the template. This work demonstrates shape control of the hollow particle using calcium carbonate as the template with a variety of shapes such as cubic, rough-surfaced spherical and rod-like particles. Inner size and shape of hollow silica nanoparticles synthesized were exactly reflected to outer size and shape of template used, and existence of micropores in the silica shell wall was verified by nitrogen gas adsorption analysis. (C) 2011 The Society of Powder Technology Japan. Published by Elsevier B.V. and The Society of Powder Technology Japan. All rights reserved.