Chemie Ingenieur Technik, Vol.84, No.10, 1694-1703, 2012
An Integrated Process for Innovative Extraction of Metals from Kupferschiefer Mine Dumps, Germany
Dumps in the Central German Mansfeld mining district have been investigated by a multi-disciplinary research team to develop a holistic concept for the recovery of base and trace metals from low-grade Kupferschiefer ore. Geochemical and mineralogical data from representative sampling indicate that the low-grade Kupferschiefer dumps contain significant amounts of Cu (0.6?%) and Ag (up to 800?ppm), besides exploitable grades of Pb and Zn. Additionally to flotation and hydrometallurgy, first shake flask bioleaching experiments on otherwise untreated Kupferschiefer ore yield Cu recovery rates of up to 95?%. A total of 900?t Cu and 5?t Ag contained in black copper can thus be produced from the pilot dump of 100?000?m3 low-grade Kupferschiefer ore. Additionally, large volumes of limestone waste, separated from the dumps by sensor-based sorting, can be utilized as aggregate in the construction industry.
Keywords:Bioleaching;Copper sulfides;Flotation;Hydrometallurgical extraction;Sensor-based sorting;Vertical roller mill;Waste utilization