Journal of Canadian Petroleum Technology, Vol.38, No.6, 19-24, 1999
Integrating production process through automation, Rockyford pilot experience
To stay competitive, PanCanadian invested substantially in SCADA technology in natural gas production. To extend the technology in crude oil production, a full scale pilot project was implemented at the Rockyford and Cavalier property. The SCADA system was FC-bared and relatively low cost compared with older systems. The objective of the pilot project was to evaluate the technical and business merits of the oil SCADA system. Implementation of new technology, however, will have an impact on the organization and its people. Commitment of an organization and buy-in of its employees in its application is essential to its success. To fully utilize the potential of automation through SCADA application, a corporate operating vision should be formulated. The vision should identify the goals of automation. It should include a corporate operating philosophy and an automation strategy. The automation should clearly meet all operations needs. The real time data generated by the system should also provide opportunity for other users essential to the success of the business. In addition, the system requirements such as hardware and software standards, communications and storage standards, service and technical support, should be developed to ensure meeting the needs of future corporate requirements. This paper describeds the pilot project, its implementation process, and the technical and organizational considerations required to achieve an integrated SCADA system.