Korea-Australia Rheology Journal, Vol.25, No.2, 107-118, May, 2013
Long wavelength peristaltic flow in a tubes with an endoscope subjected to magnetic field
In this paper, this study examines problem of peristaltic flow in a tubes with an endoscope subjected to magnetic field. Effect of an endoscope and magnetic field on the peristaltic flow of a Jeffrey fluid through the cylindrical cavity between concentric tubes has been investigated. The analytical expressions for the pressure gradient, velocity, pressure rise, friction force on the inner and outer tubes and shear stress are obtained in the physical domain. Effect of the non-dimensional wave amplitude, the magnetic field, the ratio of relaxation to retardation time, the radius ratio and the non-dimensional volume flow are analyzed theoretically and computed numerically. Comparison were made with the results obtained in the presence and absence of magnetic field and an endoscope. The results indicate that the effect of the non-dimensional wave amplitude, magnetic field, ratio of relaxation to retardation time, radius ratio and non-dimensional volume flow on peristaltic flow are very pronounced.
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