Journal of the Korean Industrial and Engineering Chemistry, Vol.3, No.2, 305-311, June, 1992
수소에 의한 In2O3의 환원반응속도론 연구
Study on the Reduction Kinetics of In 2O3 with Hydrogen
수소에 의한 In2O3의 환원반응을 열중량분석기를 이용하여 실험적으로 연구하였다. In2O3의 환원반응은 300℃ 이상에서 일어났다. 환원반응속도는 반응온도에 따라 급격히 증가하였으나, 수소의 유량에 대해선 거의 영향을 받지 않았다. 비반응핵모델을 In2O3의 환원반응에 적용한 결과 In2O3의 표면에서 수소와 In2O3 의 화학반응이 율속단계임을 알 수 있었다. In2O3의 환원반응 겉보기 활성화에너지는 20kca1/g-mol H2였으며 환원반응속도식은 다음과 같이 얻어졌다.dX/dt=1.6 x 105e-20000/RT(1-X) 2/3
The experimental study on the reduction of In2O3 was performed by using thermogravimetric analyzer. The reduction of In2O3 was occurred at above 300℃. The reduction rates were rapidly increased with the reaction temperature, while hardly affected by the flow rate of hydrogen gas. It was found that the unreacted core model could be applied for the analysis of the reduction data and the rate control step was the chemical reaction of In2O3 with hydrogen on the surface of unreacted In2O3. The apparent activation energy for this reaction was 20kcal/g-mol H2 and the rate equation of In2O3 reduction with hydrogen could be expressed in the following equation. dX/dt=1.6×105e-20000/RT(1-X)2/3
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