Macromolecular Rapid Communications, Vol.34, No.6, 522-527, 2013
Modular Establishment of a Diketopyrrolopyrrole-Based Polymer Library via Pd-Catalyzed Direct C-H (Hetero)arylation: a Highly Efficient Approach to Discover Low-Bandgap Polymers
A concise, highly efficient palladium-catalyzed direct CH (hetero)arylation is developed to modularly assemble a diketopyrrolopyrrole (DTDPP)-based polymer library to screen low-bandgap and near-infrared (NIR) absorbing materials. The DTDPP-based copolymers P1 and P2 with an alternating donoracceptordonoracceptor (DADA) sequence and the homopolymer P9 exhibit planarity and excellent -conjugation, which lead to low bandgaps (down to 1.22 eV) as well as strong and broad NIR absorption bands (up to 1000 nm).
Keywords:direct (hetero)arylation;Pd-catalysis;polycondensation;dithienyldiketopyrrolopyrrole (DTDPP)-based polymers;low bandgap