Journal of the Korean Industrial and Engineering Chemistry, Vol.4, No.2, 318-323, June, 1993
Pentachloroethane의 불소화 반응에 관한 연구
A Study on the Fluorination of Pentachloroethane
CFC-11(CFCl3)의 대체품인 HCFC-123(CF3CHCl2)의 합성을 위하여 Pentachloroethane(CHCl2,CCl3)을 제조하고, 이것을 antimony pentahalide 촉매의 존재하에서 불화수소와 반응시켰다. CHCI2CCl3의 불소화 반응은 촉매와 반응물간의 Cl-F교환 mechanism에 의해 진행되었으며 CHCl2,CCl3의 불화도는 반응온도가 높을수록 증가하는 경향을 보여 주었다. 촉매농도 또한 생성물의 불화도에 영향을 미치나 반응온도에 비해 상대적으로 낮았다. CC13CFCl2, CFCl2, CF2ClCFCl2와 같은 부산물의 생성원인을 규명하기 위한 실험을 실시하여 부산물 생성 mechanism을 제안하였다.
Pentachloroethane(CHCl2CC13) was synthesized and reacted with hydrogen fluoride using antimony pentahalide catalyst(SbClxFy) in order to manufacture HCFC-123(CF3CHCl2), a potential CFC-11(CFC13) substitute candidate. Products analyses showed the fluorination proceeds through fluorine-chlorine exchanges between HF/SbClxFy and SbClxFy/CC13CHCl2 respectively. The degree of fluorination of CCl3 group in pentachloroethane was greatly affected on the reaction temperature, but the effect of catalyst concentration was relatively small. Mechanistic study was also performed to elucidate the pathway to the formation of side-products such as CCl3CFCl2, CFCl2CFCl2 and CF2ClCFCl2.
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