Polymer, Vol.54, No.5, 1463-1465, 2013
Unified description of transportation of polymer chains with different topologies through a small cylindrical pore
Instead of using free energy, we directly balanced confinement and hydrodynamic forces (f(c) = k(B)T/xi and f(h) = 3 pi eta ul(e)) on individual "blobs" to obtain a unified description of how polymer chains with different topologies (linear, star and branched) pass through a cylindrical pore with a diameter of D, much smaller than its size, under a flow rate (q), where k(B), T, eta, xi, u (=q/D-2), and l(e) are the Boltzmann constant, absolute temperature, viscosity, "blob" diameter, flow velocity, and the blob's effective length along the flow direction, respectively; and each "blob" is defined as a maximum portion of the confined chain whose confinement free energy becomes of order thermal energy (k(B)T). Namely, using f(c) = f(h), we easily locate at which minimum (critical) flow rate (q(c)) polymer chains with different topologies are able to pass through the pore without priori consideration of chain topology, i.e., a general description, q(c)/q(c,linear) = (D/xi)(2), where q(c,linear) equals [k(B)T/(3 pi eta)](xi/l(e)). The only thing left here is to find xi for each topology. Obviously, for a confined linear chain, xi(linear) = D. For a confined star chain, xi(star) = [2/(f+vertical bar f-2f(in)vertical bar)]D-1/2, where f is arm number and f(in) is the number of arms first inserted into the pore; and for a branched chain, xi(branch) = (D/alpha)(Nt,KuhnNb,Kuhn)-N-alpha'-N-beta'gamma' where alpha is the size of one Kuhn segment, N-t,N-Buhn and N-b,N-Kuhn are respectively the numbers of Kuhn segments of the entire branched chain and the subchain between two neighboring branching points; and the three constant exponents (alpha', beta' and gamma') are directly related to the well-known Flory's scaling exponents between the chain size and both N-t,N-Kuhn and N-t,N-Kuhn (C) 2013 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.