IEEE Transactions on Energy Conversion, Vol.28, No.1, 76-85, 2013
A Generic DFIG Model for Voltage Dip Ride-Through Analysis
The modeling of a Doubly fed induction generator (DFIG) system for a wind turbine application is investigated in this paper. The electrical generating system is equipped with a dc crowbar system for fault ride through ability. After setting up the basic machine, converter, and grid-filter equations, the various controllers are derived and the selection of the regulator parameters is discussed. To validate the derived model, the investigated DFIG system is simulated using PSCAD/EMTDC and its dynamic response to voltage dips is compared to the dip behavior of an existing 2-MW wind turbine. It will be shown that the developed generic model exhibits the same dynamic performance as the actual wind turbine during and directly after a voltage dip recorded at the wind-turbine site, even in case of a severe event where the voltage at the connection point drops to 0% during the voltage dip.