Journal of the Korean Industrial and Engineering Chemistry, Vol.5, No.3, 413-418, June, 1994
(2-(2,6-디클로로페닐)아미노)페닐 아세트산나트륨의 합성
The Synthesis of Sodium (2-(2,6-Dichlorophenyl)Amino)Phenyl Acetate
(2-(2,6-디클로로페닐)아미노)페닐 아세트산나트륨의 합성단계를 줄이고 각 단계별 합성수율을 향상시켰다. 합성은 4단계로 하였으며 출발물질은 2,6-디클로로아닐린과 모노브로모벤젠을 사용하였다. 첫단계인 Ullmann반응은 구리촉매를 3회 분할 첨가하여 80%의 수율로 진행시켰고, 아실화와 프리델-크라프트 반응도 효율적으로 단순화하였다. 최종 반응생성물인 디클로페낙은 클라이젠 용액을 사용하여 제3단계에서 얻은 1-(2,6-디클로로페닐)-2-인돌리논을 가수분해함으로써 97%의 수율로 얻었다.
The synthetic steps of sodium(2-(2,6-dichlorophenyl)amino)phenylacetate were reduced and increased the yield in each steps. The synthetic process was composed to four steps and 2,6-dichloroaniline and per catalyst in three lots in 80% yield. The steps of acylation and Friedel-Craft reaction were simplified successfully. The final product, diclofenac was obtained in 97% yield by hydrolyzing 1-(2,6-dichlorophenyl )-2-indolinone which was gained in third step with Claisen-solution
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