Journal of the Korean Industrial and Engineering Chemistry, Vol.5, No.4, 662-668, August, 1994
Resorcinol계 Photoresist의 합성과 그 감광 특성
Synthesis and Photocharacteristics of Resorcinols Photoresist
Photoresist로의 응용을 위하여 감광성 관능기를 가진 폴리머인 polyresorcinol-formaldehyde glycidyl ether의 cinnamoyl ester(RGEFC)를 제조하였다. RGEFC의 감광 특성은 노광 전후의 유기용매에 대한 용해도 차이로서 결정하였는데, 유리판상에 도포한 각종 시료를 제반조건하에서 노광한 다음, 도포시에 사용한 같은 용매에 담그어 잔막수득량을 계산하였다. 필름의 감도와 밀접한 관계를 가지는 수득량은 수지의 중합도, 증감제의 종류 및 첨가농도에 따라 좌우되었으며, 그 감도는 폴리머의 중합도에 의존되어 중합도가 커질수록 증가되었다. 사용된 증감제 중 RGEFC에 대한 가장 효과적인 증감제는 2,6-dichloro-4-nitroaniline이었다.
The cinnamoyl esters of polyresorcinol-formaldehyde glycidyl ether (RGEFC) with photosensitive functional group were prepared. Photosensitivity of RGEFC were investigated by the change of solubility before and after exposure to light. Various samples coated on glass plates were exposed to light under various conditions and steeped in the same solvent as used for coating, and then the yield of residual film was calculated. The yield of the residual film which was closely related to the sensitivity of the film, was affected by the degree of polymerization of the backbone resin, sensitizers and their concentration. The sensitivity was depended upon the degree of polymerization. Most effective sensititizer for RGEFC among the sensitizers used was 2,6-dichloro-4-nitroaniline.
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