Journal of the Korean Industrial and Engineering Chemistry, Vol.5, No.5, 772-778, October, 1994
실리콘 막을 이용한 페놀-물 혼합물의 투과 증발 분리
Pervaporation Separation of Phenol-Water Mixtures by Using Silicone Membranes
페놀-물 혼합 용액에 대하여 Type 1과 Type 2의 실리콘 막을 이용하여 30, 40, 50℃에서 투과 증발 분리 실험을 수행하였다. 이때 공급 원액의 페놀 농도는 500ppm부터 5wt%이었다. 실험 결과, Type 2막이 Type 1막보다 분리능력이 더 효율적이었다. 공급원액의 농도가 5wt%와 500ppm일 때, Type 2막을 이용하여 투과액의 페놀 농도가 각각 70wt%, 11wt%의 양호한 결과를 얻었다.
The pervaporation separation experiments of phenol-water mixtures were carried out by using Type 1 (PDMS : crosslinking agent= 1 : 0.25) and Type 2 (PDMS : crosslinking agent= 1 : 0.35) silicone rubber membranes at 30, 40 and 50℃. The phenol concentrations in the feed to be separated were 500 ppm to 5 wt%. Type 2 membranes were more efficient than Type 1 membranes for the separation of phenol-water mixtures. The phenol concentration of 70wt% was obtained for 5wt% of phenol concentration in the feed at 30℃ and 11wt% phenol concentration observed for 500ppm of phenol concentration in the feed at 30℃ by using Type 2 membranes.
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