Journal of the Korean Industrial and Engineering Chemistry, Vol.6, No.5, 767-774, October, 1995
N-아실-아미노산계 계면활성제에 관한 연구(제7보)-N-아실-아미노산계 음이온성 계면활성제의 고/액간 분산성-
Studies on the Surfactants of the N-Acyl Amino Acid(7) -Soli/Liquid Dispersion of N-Acyl Amino Acid Type Anionic Surfactants.-
N-아실 아미노산계 음이온성 계면활성제 중 sodium N-acyl-N-methyl-β-alaninate, sodium N-acyl sarcosinate 그리고 sodium N-acyl-N-methyl taurate를 선택하여 고/액간 분산을 검토하였다. 이들 화합물들의 고/액간 분산 안정성은 사용된 계면활성제의 일정농도(10-4∼10-2mol/ℓ) 범위 내의 묽은 수용액중에서 산화철을 이용하여 수계 내에서의 분산의 안정도(W), 한계응집농도(cfc), 침강시간(T1/2) 그리고 제타전위(ζ)를 DLVO이론에 근거해서 비교·검토하였다. N-아실 아미노산계 계면활성제의 카르복실산염과 술폰산염의 분산안정성을 비교한 결과 술폰산염이 양호한 결과를 나타냈고, 이러한 화합물은 일정농도 범위에서 분산 안정성이 우수하였다.
Solid/Liquid dispersion properties for the dilute aqueous solution of N-acyl amino acid type anionic surfactants that is, sodium N-acyl-N-methyl-P-alaninate, sodium N-acyl sarcosinate and sodium N-acyl-N-methyl taurate are investigated. The stability of solid/Liquid dispersion of these compounds was investigated by using the modified DLVO theory and using aqueous ferric oxide colloidal suspensions as a dispersoids. The stability ratio(W), critical flocculation concentration(cfc), settling time(T1/2) and zeta potential (ζ) were examined with the variation of concentration 10-4∼10-2mol/ℓ of long chain N-acyl amino acid type anionic surfactants. The difference in the dispersion stability of carboxylate and sulfonate of the N-acyl amino acid type surfactants were checked. It was found that the sulfonate compounds were more stable than the carboxylate ones. These compounds had a good dispersion stability at a certain concentration range.
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