Journal of Industrial and Engineering Chemistry, Vol.20, No.3, 1097-1102, May, 2014
Effect of reaction parameters on conversion of krill (Euphausia superba) oil by immobilized lipase ethanolysis
Monoglyceride and diglyceride were produced by performing ethanolysis of krill oil with immobilized lipase and the influence of various parameters on the enzymatic ethanolysis was assessed. As an immobilized lipase, lipozyme TL-IM (thermonuces lanuginose) was used. Ethanolysis was done in nonpressurized and pressurized system to compare the reaction rate and yield. The optimal condition was found at 2.0 of ethanol mole ratio, temperature of 60 ℃, lipases amount of 5 wt% in non-pressurized system. At pressurized system the optimal temperature and pressure was found at 50 ℃ and 10 MPa. However, at 50 ℃ monoglyceride was higher in pressurized system than in non-pressurized system.
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