Korean Chemical Engineering Research, Vol.52, No.4, 481-485, August, 2014
이온성액체와 Deep Eutectic Solvent를 사용한 잘피에서 카페인산과 로즈마리산의 추출
Extraction of Caffeic Acid and Rosmarinic Acid from Zostera marina Based on Ionic Liquids and Deep Eutectic Solvent
잘피의 유용성분을 추출하기 위한 dipping, ultrasonic-assisted, heating추출법의 적용성을 검토하였다. 이온성 액체와 공융용매(DES)를 잘피에 존재하는 카페인산과 로즈마린산의 추출 효율을 증가시키기 위해 첨가제로써 사용하였다. 실험에서 확인된 최적의 조건은 동결건조된 0.005 g의 잘피 뿌리 파우더와 5 mL의 methanol 그리고 0.5 g의 DES-3를 바이알에 넣은 후 30분동안 dipping하여 추출하였다. 그 결과 0.19 mg/g 카페인산과 8.48 mg/g의 로즈마린산을 얻었다. 이 방법은 잘피에 있는 카페인산과 로즈마린산을 간단하고 성공적으로 적용할 수 있었고 전통적인 용매 추출법보다 청정용매인 DES를 첨가했을 때 잘피의 유용성분 추출에 더 적합함을 의미한다.
The applicability of the dipping, ultrasonic-assisted, heating methods to the extraction of useful components from Zostera marina was investigated. For the increase of the extraction yield of caffeic acid and rosmarinic acid from Zostera marina, ionic liquids and DES were used as additives in the extraction solvent. The optimum extraction conditions were found: dipping extraction, methanol as extraction solvent, 0.005 g of freeze-dried material powder, 5 mL methanol, 30 min and 0.5 g of DES-3 (Et4NCl and phenol) as additive. As a result, 0.19 mg/g of caffeic acid and 8.48 mg/g of rosmarinic acid were obtained. This method is simple and sensitive, and has been applied successfully to determine the component of caffeic acid and rosmarinic acid in Zostera marina and these results indicate that DES were used as additives is more suitable than traditional extraction for the extraction of useful components from Zostera marina.
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