Combustion and Flame, Vol.161, No.7, 1744-1751, 2014
Successive laser-induced breakdowns in atmospheric pressure air and premixed ethane-air mixtures
Two successive focused laser pulses are employed to experimentally simulate laser-induced breakdown plasmas at high repetition rates. We find that energy absorption of the second laser pulse by the plasma produced by the first laser pulse is enhanced slightly when the time interval between the pulses is shorter than several tens of nanoseconds but falls to almost zero when the time interval is between a few hundreds of nanoseconds and several tens of microseconds. This behavior is attributed to gas heating by the first breakdown event. In premixed ethane-air mixtures, we identify another strong reduction in the second laser pulse absorption when this pulse coincides with the heat released by combustion, typically milliseconds after the first laser pulse. The fuel-air equivalence ratio (phi) and base flow speed are also varied in this study. The results show that the window of reduced absorption coinciding with heat release due to combustion is narrowed when the base flow speed is increased, and also under fuel lean and fuel rich conditions. These results suggest that the use of pulsed high frequency laser breakdowns for premixed combustion stabilization is optimized when laser pulse repetition rates below a certain frequency (e.g., 500 Hz at the conditions that 0 is 1 and the base flow speed is 4.9 m/s) to maximize laser energy coupling and for improved anchoring of the flame base. (C) 2014 The Combustion Institute. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.