Heat Transfer Engineering, Vol.35, No.16-17, 1394-1404, 2014
Characteristics of Oxyfuel and Air-Fuel Combustion in an Industrial Water Tube Boiler
The characteristics of oxyfuel combustion and air-fuel combustion in the furnace of a typical industrial water tube boiler using methane as the operating fuel are investigated. Two oxyfuel cases are considered. The analysis is conducted for two oxyfuel cases that correspond to 21% O-2 and 29% O-2 in the oxidizer mixture (O-2 + CO2). A renormalized group (RNG) turbulence model and the eddy dissipation model are utilized in the present work to provide the turbulence characteristics and the production rate of species. The solution of the radiative transfer equation was obtained using the discrete ordinates radiation model. The set of governing equations and the boundary conditions are solved numerically using Fluent computational fluid dynamics code considering a single-step reaction kinetics model for methane-oxyfuel combustion. Comparison of both oxyfuel combustion and air-fuel combustion indicates that the temperature levels are reduced in oxyfuel combustion. The results show that the temperature levels are greatly reduced as the percentage of recirculated CO2 is increased. It is concluded that the flame propagation speed in the CO2 environment is lower than that in N-2. It is found that the natural gas and oxygen consumption rates are slower in oxyfuel combustion relative to air-fuel combustion. Heat transfer from the burnt gases to the water jacket along the different surfaces of the furnace is calculated. It is shown that the energy absorbed is much lower in the case of oxyfuel combustion along all surfaces except for the end part of the furnace close to the furnace rear wall. However, the same performance of the methane-oxy-flames is expected by increasing the oxygen concentration slightly above 29%.