Biomass & Bioenergy, Vol.36, 69-76, 2012
Biofuels energy sources and future of biofuels energy in Turkey
Today, in Turkey, the most commonly used renewable resources are classical biomass energy and hydraulic energy. Although geothermal energy ranks third, its usage is limited. The usage of solar energy is at a symbolic level, that of wind energy is in its initial stages and the idea of tidal energy is out of concern. In spite of the important potential of modem biomass energy, agriculture of energy plants is not widely recognized, and the establishment of energy forests is realized in a limited fashion. This study is based on two essential considerations about biofuels: agricultural potential of Turkey for biofuels production and governmental policies about environmental friendly alternative fuels in Turkey. A policy to increase biodiesel production in Turkey by importing biofuels or shifting to oilseedbiomass production from another plant does not seem reliable or practical. As far as environmental pollution is concerned, the utilization of all fuels produces air pollutants, causing local, trans-boundary air pollution, and acid rain problems. Biofuel is a clean renewable fuel due to its properties, which is similar to diesel but generated from renewable resources such as vegetable oils, animal fats and energy crops. Although researchers developed the technology of biofuel some two to three decades ago, its use is not widespread, mainly due to the higher production cost involved. Due to the increasing concern on environmental protection, the number of research studies conducted on the usage of this fuel has increased especially in recent years. (C) 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.