Biomass & Bioenergy, Vol.54, 59-66, 2013
Predictive models of forest logging residues in Romanian spruce and beech forests
Forest logging residues are systematically left after exploitation. In Romania, logging residues were traditionally used by population for fuel but have not been considered at large scale for industrialization. The estimation of the resource needed a more accurate assessment and the development of devoted biomass models for large-scale applications. Our study aims at estimating the amount of logging residues based on direct biomass measurements for the two main species of Romanian Carpathian forests: Norway spruce and beech. A country-scale field measurement campaign resulted in the sampling of 100 Norway spruce and 74 beech trees. Models of logging residues biomass were developed for both species. The amount of potential logging residues per tree was greater in beech than in Norway spruce. The models developed, nonlinear by essence, showed that diameter-based equations enable the evaluation of individual logging residues potential. Using tree height as an additional independent variable did not improve the models. The models fitted were applied to yield tables in order to estimate the resource potential in spruce and beech stands for each productivity class, and its dynamic during the production cycle. The calculations proved that the potential amount of logging residue is larger in spruce stands. The amount in beech is very sensitive to the productivity class, unlike in spruce stands. The potential biomass produced during early thinnings is however greater in beech stands than in spruce ones. A more systematic and organized collecting of residues could offer a fast answer to the need of increasing renewable energy share. (C) 2013 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.