Energy and Buildings, Vol.68, 376-386, 2014
Development of a simulation platform based on dynamic models for HVAC control analysis
Dynamic modeling of HVAC system is extremely important for control analysis toward building energy saving. In order to provide researchers a simulation platform to analyze different control strategies, this paper introduces a simulation platform with customized Simulink block library based on dynamic HVAC component model. As an initiating effort, the current simulation platform is composed of basic modular HVAC components, including conduit, damper/valve, fan/pump, flow merge, flow split, heating coil, cooling coil, and zone. These modules are developed into Simulink customized blocks. The simulation platform is capable to calculate the flow rates of fresh air, exhaust air, and return air based on system characteristic and fan curve with customizable basic/advanced control strategies. A case study is proposed using single-zone, constant volume system by comparing the uncontrolled, fixed temperature and damper position controlled, and schedule based reset controlled cases. The simulation result proves that schedule based temperature and damper position reset has a significant impact on energy saving for both heating and cooling seasons. This simulation platform can be especially useful for analyzing the dynamic performance of different HVAC control strategies. (C) 2013 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.