Energy Conversion and Management, Vol.76, 169-176, 2013
Energetic and exergetic comparison of the human body for the summer season
The energy and exergy analyses are performed to the human body for the summer season of the Izmir city in Turkey. It is found that the metabolism energy and exergy rates are the major part of the human body's energy generation. However, metabolism energy rate (58.326 W/m(2)) is much higher than corresponding exergetic one (1.661 W/m(2)). The maximum energy loss of the human body (70.59%) occurs due to heat exchange such as radiation, convection, and conduction. On the other hand, the maximum exergy loss of the human body happens due to exhaled humid air (6.393%), while the most of the total exergy is consumed by the human body (90.786%). Thermal comfort condition is also calculated. The Predicted Mean Vote (PMV) rate is found as 0.028 which means that the thermal sensation of the human body is called as comfortable. Furthermore, the Predicted Percentage Dissatisfied (PPD) rate is determined to be 5.017% which is low and shows the thermally dissatisfied people percentages. (C) 2013 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.