Journal of the Korean Industrial and Engineering Chemistry, Vol.10, No.6, 809-813, October, 1999
계면활성제 유화법에 의한 D상 유화물 제조와 특성
Preparation and Properties of D Phase Emulsion by Silicone Oil
D상 유화법을 적용하고 상도를 이용하여 유화메커니즘을 설명하였다. D상 유화작용은 등방성 계면활성제 용액의 형성과 함께 시작되며 계면활성제 용액에 octamethyl cyclotetrasiloxane(OMCS)의 분산으로 계면활성제중 오일(O/D) 겔 유화물의 형성에 의해 진행된다. 폴리올은 이 실험목적상 필수성분이다. 폴리올의 기능을 이해하기 위해 비이온 계면활성제/오일/물/폴리올계의 용액거동을 폴리옥시에틸렌올레일에테르/OMCS/프로필렌글리콜(PG)의 수용액인 3성분의 상도를 이용하여 조사하였다. 등방성 계면활성제상에서 오일의 용해도는 PG를 가함에 따라 증가하였다. D상 유화물은 OMCS의 농도가 70∼90% 범위에서와 계면장력이 2.0∼3.0 dyne/cm 범위에서만 형성되었으며, D상 유화물은 10μm 정도 크기의 균일한 구상으로 O/W 형이었다.
D phase emulsification has been developed and elucidated the emulsification mechanism by using phase diarams. The process of D phase emulsification begins with the formation of isotropic surfactant solution, follows by formation of oil-in-surfactant (O/D) gel emulsion by dispersion of octamethylcyclotetra siloxane(OMCS) in the surfactant solution. Polyols were essential components for this experiments. To understand the function of polyols, the solution behaviors of nonionic surfactant/oil/water/polyol systems were investigated by the ternany phase diagrams of polyoxyethylene oleyl ether/OMCS/propylene glycol(PG) aqueous solutions. The solubility of oil in the isotropic surfactant phase was increased with the addition of PG. D phase emulsion was formed in the range of 70∼90% of OMCS and 2.0∼3.0 dyne/cm of interfacial tension and the structure was homogenious spherical and O/W type and its diameter was about 10 μm.
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