International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, Vol.74, 414-420, 2014
Investigation on temperature distribution of flash evaporation of LiC1 droplets released into vacuum
A new method of regenerating dehumidification solution is developed, which releases the dilute solution into vacuum to improve water evaporation instead of the traditional methods. Experiments on the temperature distribution in the lithium chloride solution droplets were carried out on the basis of the theoretical analysis. The experimental results indicate that both the surface temperature and center temperature declined sharply in the beginning stage of flash evaporation, then recover slowly, even though sometimes one is higher than the other in the whole process; pressure is the core factor of evaporation rate, the lower the pressure, the more intense flash; droplets with higher initial temperature only strengthen the intensity of the flash evaporation at the beginning. Radiant heat can significantly promote the strength of the flash evaporation which cannot be neglected especially for single droplet. The contrast between the experimental results and the numerical results prove that droplet flash evaporation model can be applied to the process without radiation, and the numerical results should be amended when used on the radiation condition. (C) 2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.