Journal of Loss Prevention in The Process Industries, Vol.14, No.6, 509-514, 2001
Evaluation of the explosibility of malt grain dust based on static electrification during pneumatic transportation
The possibility of dust explosions by static electricity in a malt grain silo was investigated. Two kinds of experimental equipment were applied. One was to supply electrostatic charge in order to investigate the charge build up characteristics. The other was to transport the malt grain pneumatically in order to investigate the frictional charge accumulation in the transportation system. The particle charge of the pulverized malt grain was in the order of 10(-14) C. The particle charge of the malt grain was in the order of 10(-9) C and the pipe charge in the transport system was also in the order of 10(-9) C. The charge accumulated on both the pulverized particle and the grain particle were small in view of the incendiary potentiality. However, attention must be paid when the particles are dumped into isolated space. There might be a charge accumulation that will lead to the ignition of the dust cloud.