Journal of Physical Chemistry B, Vol.118, No.11, 2842-2850, 2014
Environmental Influence on Zn-Histidine Complexes under No-Packing Conditions
This paper describes a combined structural analysis of the Zn-histidine complex, using two different and complementary techniques, X-ray absorption spectroscopy (XAS) and surface X-ray diffraction, paying special attention to the environmental conditions. The current procedure for investigating macromolecules consists of examining simple molecules that exhibit properties similar to those of the larger ones, whose functionality is totally related to the atomic structure. The detailed study of the bonding structure formed by zinc and histidine amino acids is motivated by the fact that this material serves as a model for metalloproteins, such as in metalloproteinase, acting as active sites in enzymatic or structural functions. For XAS modeling, Zn-histidine complexes were dissolved in several aqueous solutions, over a wide pH range. Correlations among the degree of protonation, the steric impediment, and the multiple combinations of the histidine amino acid have been found. For the diffraction study, high-quality crystals grown by the seeding method in a supersaturated solution have been studied, and the samples for the surface diffraction study were mounted on a cell specially designed for solid-liquid or solid-gas interface analysis. The surface structural model was built from XAS results. In both cases, the obtained structures are compared with the bulk one, showing atomic differences and highlighting the importance of the environment in which the complex is studied.