Materials Science Forum, Vol.373-3, 377-380, 2001
Numerical model of amplification and wave front reversal of two-dimensional spin wave packets in magnetic films
It has been shown experimentally, that a three-wave (first order) parametric interaction of a pulse of backward volume magnetostatic wave (BVMSW) with localized non-stationary microwave pumping in a tangentially magnetized yttrium-iron garnet (YIG) film leads to two effects: the amplification of the travelling pulse, and the generation of an additional contra-propagating wave pulse with reversed wave front and conjugated phase. This effect was observed in quasi-one-dimensional (1D) spin waveguides (narrow strips of YIG films), and was described theoretically in a 1D model. In the present work, a two-dimensional (2D) model of a wave front reversal process is developed. Dispersion and diffraction of a travelling 2D wave packet and four-wave nonlinearity that leads to the formation of solitons in the ID case and bullets in the 2D case are taken into account. The results of 2D numerical modeling of the processes of parametric amplification and front reversal for an input linear wave packet of BVMSW are presented.