Materials Science Forum, Vol.426-4, 3171-3175, 2003
Bioinspired polymer surfaces for prevention of bioresponse
Conventional polymer materials using in the biomedical field do not have enough biocompatibility and blood compatibility; therefore, infusion of an anticoagulant is required during clinical treatments when using these medical devices, to avoid clot formation. To improve their blood compatibility and prevent clotting, some surface modification methods using newly designed polymeric materials have been studied. One of the most effective polymers for this purpose is phospholipid polymer (MPC polymer), which is prepared with inspiration from biomembrane surface. In this communication, molecular design and fundamental performance of MPC polymers are described. Moreover, improvement of the bio/blood compatibility of the medical devices using the MPC polymers to suppress unfavorable bioreactions at the interface between the medical devices and living organisms are explained.