Materials Science Forum, Vol.426-4, 3285-3291, 2003
A new internal element in dental implants
In this article an new implant with a new internal element-a maintenance-free shock absorbing mechanism-was examined biomechanically and clinically. The Mobile-Implant (SIS Inc., Klagenfurt, Austria) is a self cutting conical screw implant with an integrated bio-kinetic element. The resilience of the implant was tested by axial and horizontal loading in a special testing unit. A survival test of the elastic titanium ring in the most exposed cervical part of the implant was,performed by electron microscopy. A progressive shock absorption was registered during horizontal and axial movements. The maximum movements were 0.06 mm in the axial and 0.16 mm in the horizontal direction. There were seen no signs of material destruction in the electron microscopic analysis after 12 million movements. For clinical examination 384 dental implants with a biokinetic element were placed in 138 patients during the last 6 years. The implants were loaded by prosthetic superstructures 4 months after implantation. For comparison 160 patients were treated with 494 conventional titanium implants of the same design without biokinetic elements. All patients were examined radiologically and clinically. Implantation was successful in 97.2% of mobile-implants and 98% of conventional implants. There was a low degree of sulcus bleeding and high degree of physiological periimplant probing depths in both patients groups. In Mobile-Implants the Periotest-values were positive and similar at every time of control. In the group with conventional implants the Periotest-values were negative and showed a low degree of negativation during the first 12 months after implant loading. There was a lower degree of periimplant bone loss after implant loading in patients with Mobile-Implants. In conclusion Mobile-Implants show the positive effects of implants with shock absorbing elements. They are maintenance free.