Materials Science Forum, Vol.439, 297-301, 2003
Mechanical properties of Ti3SiC2 synthesized by reaction sintering
High purity Ti3SiC2 and in-situ TiCx-Ti3SiC2 composite were fabricated by a hot pressing and vacuum sintering using TiCX(x=0.67) and Si powder mixtures at the temperature range between 1400-1500oC. The synthesis of Ti3SiC2 from TiCX(x=0.67) and Si powder mixture could suppress the formation of intermediate phases during a heating process. The maximum flexural strength and fracture toughness of in-situ TiCx-Ti3SiC2 composite fabricated by a hot pressing were 980 MPa and 12 MPam1/2, respectively. The improved flexural strength of TiCx-Ti3SiC2 composite fabricated seems to be due to due to both the interlocking structure of laminating Ti3SiC2 grain and the presence of TiCx particles in Ti3SiC2 matrix.