Materials Science Forum, Vol.445-6, 468-470, 2004
Visualization and position control of a slow positron beam
We report the recent development performed in CERI Orleans for the visualization and the control of the slow positron beam. The beam spot on the target has been determined as a function of positron incident energy with microchannel plates based visualization system. The beam position is corrected using two coils placed before the measurement chamber. Magnetic fields are produced with remote power supplies. The visualization system allows to optimize the magnetic correction to apply at each energy to keep the beam in the center of the sample, and to check rapidly that no drift of the beam appears. The visualization system composed of two microchannel plates and a phosphorous screen, can be easily mounted at the place of the sample holder. The image of the positron beam appears for the energy higher than 350 eV when a polarization of 4.5 kV is applied on the visualization system. It is then possible to control the beam position, its size and its shape.
Keywords:beam images;beam position;correction coils;microchannel plates;phosphorus screen;slow positron beam